A surgical procedure in which hair follicles are transplanted from one part of the head called donor site to another part where the hair is thinning or receding called recipients site. We are using follicular unit extraction method at affordable rate.
- Strip harvesting.
- Follicular unit extraction (FUE)
- Follicular unit transplant.
- Robotic hair restoration.
Which is the best method of hair transplant?
In a non-smoker between 95-98% of the grafts will grow successfully provided the highest international standards of surgery are used in the transplant procedure.

Yes, Hair Transplant is the permanent solution of Baldness. Why we consider hair transplantation a permanent solution because: … Hence, they will not thin or fall after transplantation. Whether its FUE procedure or FUT hair grafts are generally taken from permanent zone of head.
Is it painful to have hair transplant?
Most people are surprised there is virtually no pain during an FUE hair transplant procedure done under a local anesthetic. Mild discomfort may occur as a local anesthetic is injected into the scalp. … After the FUE surgery, patients will typically feel some minor discomfort. It is usually described as minimal.
How long does it take to recover from a hair transplant?
The hairs we don’t harvest grow back very quickly. By one week after surgery, the hair has grown back enough to cover the places we took the hair from. The scabs over the grafts will be the last reminder of the surgery. These scabs take about 7-10 days to fall out.
Can a hair transplant fail?
Some clinics will do hair transplants with donor grafts from other areas of the body, and in some cases use other people’s hair. … Not only will using the wrong donor grafts result in your hair transplant not looking as natural as possible it also has a higher chance of failing.
How do I sleep after hair transplant?
To reduce swelling, sleep at a 45-degree angle for the first three days after surgery. Use a neck pillow or rolled up towel to hold your head in a safe position to protect your new grafts from contact. You will be provided with absorbent pads to cover your pillow.
How long does it take for your hair to grow after a hair transplant?
Grafts usually take an average of 6 to 12 months to start growing in. Sometimes it can take up to 18 months before they appear following your surgery. 3 to 18 months after surgery, transplanted hair starts to grow like a fine soft hair. With time, the transplanted hair gets thicker, courser and fuller.
Do transplanted hair fall out?
In some cases these hairs fall out along with the pinpoint crusts that form in the grafted area; occasionally they persist longer. … In rare instances, the transplanted follicles do not shed their hair, but continue to grow in the days and weeks immediately following the procedure.
Can you wear a hat after a hair transplant?
Once the grafts have become a permanent part of your scalp, you can wear a hat. … Some hair loss specialists recommend waiting as long as 3 weeks before wearing a hat to ensure that the grafts are completely anchored.
When can I wash my hair after a hair transplant?
Do not wash your hair during the first 2 days after your transplant. Instructions for washing your hair and transplanted hairs on Day 3 through Day 14: You maywash your hair on Day 3 after surgery. The goal of the washing is to clean the clots and crusts in the hair transplant (recipient) areas of the scalp.
Can you use minoxidil after hair transplant?
You can start applying minoxidil as long the wound has healed. This can take two weeks. … Minoxidil is useful for hair transplant patients because it can help prevent the hair around the transplant falling out and can regrow thinning areas.
Can hair grafts fall out?
More often, patients mistake the hair that normally falls out for the graft itself. Whilegrafts can fall out within the first few days after a hair transplant, this is extremely rare. … After about 3 months, the follicle will produce a new hair.
How much is 3000 grafts of hair?
Hair transplant 3000 grafts Vs 3000 hairs. Patients considering hair transplant should be clear on the difference between hairs and grafts. A graft could consist of 1, 2, 3 or sometimes 4 hairs.
Can you use body hair for hair transplant?
Whereas most hair transplant procedures utilize donor hairs from the scalp, a growing number of patients are relying on the use of body hairs to provide additional grafts beyond what the scalp can provide. … The best areas for these donor hairs are the beard followed by the chest and back.